Welcome to the Total War Wiki! This website holds all the information you need to conquer the world on the Total War: Age of Blood Minecraft server.

Server Info

IP: Version: 1.20.x

Discord: https://discord.gg/WtTUVEXnkB


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgKdXTsb9GsChzoye8ru2zQ

Get Started


TWClaim - Protect your land

TWFaith - Start or join a religion

Movecraft - Get around the map with land, sea, and air vehicles

Cannons - For blowing stuff up.


Big Doors - Make drawbridges, sliding doors, elevators, and portcullis.

Better Chairs - Sit your ass down

Brewery - Get drunk with your friends

Robbing - For the pickpockets and safecrackers

Seasons - Much needed variety

MyDog - Wolves get an upgrade

Image Frame - Import images and gifs to Minecraft


DiscordSRV - Get put in a discord voice-chat with people you come close to in-game.

Interactive Chat - Spice up your communication

Combat Log - To deal with pesky combat-loggers

AntiFarm - To deal with peskier afk-farmers

Sign Shop - Get rich while you’re offline

Dynmap - Spy on your friends and enemies

Total War Border - Keeps us all in the map

Chest Sorting - Automagical